Monday, December 6, 2010


Tonight, was my final night of volunteering for Meld. Well, at least for this ten week session. I am signed up again. I really love it. Tyler told me that it would be nice if they paid me 3.00 to do it. Isn't he so young still? That 3.00 is a good amount to have in your pocket. I don't want to get paid for it.
However, I wish there were more people to help me take care of the children. The average amount of kids is six to seven this past session. They range in between 4 months to 5 years of age.
I really enjoy the younger ones. The best child was the one that can't talk yet. At one point, I have the 4 month in my arms. A crying girl sitting between my legs and a little boy hanging on my arm. The other three children were acting all crazy and wild. I really like going and all, but I wish I could do more hands on play. It's hard to give that attention to them because with only two of us that means three children per person. It's not that they are being mistreated or anything. All the children who wear diapers get changed and everyone gets attention. It's just not as much as I would like to do.

I was told that next week was a Christmas party. It sounded like I am invited. I got a list of the six kids that were there tonight but it changes from time to time. So, I will probably try to buy a few extra gifts just in case. I have to call and get more details. I don't know if it's a party for all the Meld kids. I wouldn't want to bring presents for them and the other children from other nights don't get anything. Either way, if I am invited. I am going and taking Tyler with me. He likes to go to "help" play with toys. haha. He does try to boss the wild children around. He gets this mood going that I am bigger than you. It's so cute.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I hope you have fun at the party! Don't spike the punch! :-D