Thursday, January 13, 2011

I love how my husband accepts the silly things about me and laughs about it.

We always crash on the living room furniture before going to bed. So, every night, I drag my blanket and pillow out and I mean really drag it. Sometimes, I break things. I don't mean too, but I do. My husband just kind of laughs at it. Also, sometimes to spare things getting broken he will get it for me. Also, I have a bad habit of forgetting to get his pillow while I am in there. He teases me but doesn't give me crap about it.

He makes fun of my lab but he knows how special she is to me and treats her very well.

He never gives me a hard time about having a life outside the home and work. I am able to go with friends. I am encouraged to go to the YMCA.

He supports my collection of dolls. I have six now. They range from 75 to 200 each. Mostly, I know to check out the clearance section now though. I have a drawer full of baby clothes and some of them he bought. Not every guy will tolerate six dolls hanging out in the living room. He is a sweet guy.

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