Sunday, September 28, 2008

We kept that cute little kitty. I tried to be strong and make it go away, but I couldn't do it. So now we have 3 dogs, 4 cats, (two of them are kittens) and we have two gerbils and a bunny rabbit. We are just plain nuts. Well I should get some sleep. Bye for now.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Can I say cute??? Girls don't get any cuter than this!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My client has fell down about four times or more in a few days. He is old and tired, and just feels really bad. I did really good about not laughing when he fell. As people know, sometimes I laugh when stuff like that happens. It was no laughing matter. I am so sore and tired from trying to lift him. I took him to the doc today, and he was told to stop this new drug, he had started. So now, we are doing a wait and see approach.
If he doesn't get better, I don't know what will happen. My company is already talking about it's not a job, for one person. That is taking care of two old people, and I hear, they are debating not having it be a live-in arrangement. Well I hope he gets better, or that he just dies in his sleep. He has too much pride, and wants to do it all on his own.
Well almost time for class. There wasn't much point in coming home, before I went to school. bye for now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Yesterday, I went back to work after having a mini vacation. It was great. I love my job, but I love my family more. So I get to work, and everything seems normal.
Well everything isn't normal. Bob* isn't very well. I am not going to go into details about this day. I notified my office, and they want to send another caregiver in, because two old people needing care isn't a job for once person. So now they want to make more money. Bob needs to recover and keep on moving.
The best way I can tell you how he changed is this. When you first see old people, you think wow they are old. Then you get to know them, and no longer see the old. Now the old is all over his face.
*means Bob isn't his real name.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

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Michelle, right after she got suited up to jump.

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Michelle and her new best friend. This is part of the training, they gave her to make the jump. This is going to be her 2nd time jumping. He will be strapped to her, and they will jump together.

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This is Michelle seconds before she came in for a landing.

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I know these pictures aren't really in order, but this is Michelle when she is too far for us to really know it was her, but then there she came. This wasn't the easiest picture to get. It was like do I want the picture or my eye sight. The sun was very bright.

Since this was her second time jumping, they got to do fall backwards and see the underside of the airplane. It was a very cool day.

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This is Will and Tyler, right in front of the hanger of the airport. Will wants to jump when he is 18 years old. You can't do it until then.

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The memory walk was held at Rock Valley College. It's to raise awareness and raise money to find a cure to end Alzheimers disease. My company set up a booth there, along with other companies simliar to mine. I took Ann with me. She did a really good job. It helped that we walked around in the wrong area, and then we had to walk to the booth. So by the time we started walking with the crowds, she was already settled down. The picture below shows her sporting her Comfort Keeper shirt. She behaved very well, and learned how to drink water from a bottle. On the way home all she could do was lie down in the seat. bye for now.

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Don't hate me because I am beautiful and your not!! Those male dogs can't help but bark at me. Just look at me, they want to be my friend.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hey all it's been a exciting couple of days. I have been really busy. I don't know where the time goes. Yes I do. It's between work, family, and school. I am going to have a long weekend again. My sister Michelle is going to jump from a airplane, and I am going to watch it. I love only working two days a week. If only I could afford it.
Work has been okay. Sandy had a test down today. Yesterday as a favor to my client and co worker. I came in and washed her hair. We are talking about a lady who always gets it down professionally. I guess after I left. Sandy was ticked off!! lol Today she looked rough. Her hair is a mess, and I noticed her jacket is wearing out. So instead of being prim and proper she looked rough. lololol It's too funny. Now we look more like family, because I know rough looking hair.
She had her test and then we went to breakfast. We are wondering if she will go play her card game looking this way. I said, "only Sandy can decide if she wants to go looking rough" Opps that didn't come out right, and boy am I glad they can only hear every other word. Poor co worker tomorrow lol.
School is okay they are making me think. What a jerk teacher making me think. haha. The coolest thing is happening at work. I can get online stealing a connection. It's not perfect, but hey it's better than nothing. Well I got to go see what I can do around my home. For those who don't know me too well. (that would be my work home) Bye for now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How many years does it take to earn a million dollars if you put in $100 in a 5% savings account?

The correct answer was 190 years. What I want to know who has so much time, that they can figure out how fast that 100.00 grows. Why not figure out a dollar amount that people can put in, and be alive to see the million dollars. Can I borrow a 100.00 from you all? I promise I will leave the money for your kids or their kids.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It looks like it's going to be another rainy day. I took Ann for a walk still though. We didn't get too wet. I like the rain, but it makes a long day for kids if they can't go outside to play. Well I have to finish getting ready for work. I had four days off but now it's time to go back.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

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A cake made for Patriots Day, But really it was made for my daughters Ashley's birthday.

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I have had a long weekend, I took Thursday off from work. It has been nice to get a break. William and I watched a movie last night, I can't recall the name of it, but it wasn't something I felt comfortable watching with my kid. Tyler and I have a nice farm animal movie to watch. I have been getting movies from the red box. It's pretty cool. They charge you a 1.00 a day on your debit card, and if you screw up and forget to turn it in, after 25 days you own it for 25.oo. There is no crazy dollar amount for replacing them as if it was made of gold. Although 25.oo is a lot for a movie, but I have known places like the video store charging way more than that if you lost one.
It looks like summer is coming to a end. I am not excited about that. Tyler this summer has been living off the land. He will eat nuts that fall from the trees, berries off the bushes, peaches of a peach tree. (the neighbor said it was okay) He eats apples off our apple tree. We can't forget that we have tomatoes growing in our front yard. I have to add that we do feed Tyler other food. He just loves his fruits, and I can't imagine a better way to get them.bye for now

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy 17th Birthday Ashley!!! I miss you more than words can describe. May all your wishes come true.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tomorrow is the 7Th anniversary of the attacks on the world trade center, and the pentagon and the crash of flight 93. I can picture where I was the day, they showed it on our tv's. I was sharing a house, with my mother in law, and my first husband and my two boys. I was getting William ready for school, and Tyler was just a baby. It's still so fresh in my mind, but yet so unreal. How could that really happened. And how come I never seen the twin towers, or really recalled knowing that they were there. Then in the flash of a second planes wipe them out, taking lots of lives with them. 7 years has past by since then, but I don't think anyone has forgotten. Rest in peace 9/11 victims, and burn in hell terrorists people. And to all the families left behind, I am sorry that happened. To all the people who celebrate a birthday on 9/11, I hope you can find a way to take your birthday back.

Monday, September 8, 2008

my clients

My clients are doing well for thier age, not much new going on. Sandy is sleeping more and more, and complaining of aches and pains. Bob wants us to be point blank mean, and tell her that what does she expect when all she does is sleep all day. I can be pushy, but I can't show disrespect to her.
Their daughter in law brought us in a tv they haven't been using anymore. So now we have cable in our room. It's very cool to be able to watch a little tv of my choosing.
Old people do some funny stuff, and normally I can control my laughter. They have some shrimp and sauce and she asks for a spoon. We can't figure out why she wants a spoon, but I was told to just get one by her. So I give her a spoon and I watch her. She gets a spoonful of sauce and eats it. I tried to bite my tongue, but I had to go in my room to laugh. Bye for now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

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2 of 3 of our kitties

Friday, September 5, 2008

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That's my Tyler boy. Look at that smile of his. cute cute cute.

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Tad got us a tour of the airport with some big cool planes. I don't know if I could ask for a cooler husband.

I am at school early to print a paper, and because I have a old format of word, the compters at school didn't save my format. So I got some help, but had to do a lot of fixing. Then when I am getting my paper at the desk, there is the teacher and he has a really late overdue book!! lol naughty teacher, he should set a better example.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am not liking school. The in class stuff is okay, but who has time for homework! I got to write a stupid paper lol. Anyone want to do some work. What is your opinion of the quote, "The things you own, end up owning you" Then write a page and half about how it applies to your life. Damn!! Got to produce something in next twenty minutes worth, turning in as a rough draft.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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This past weekend the boys and I were trying to pull the weeds from the dog run, we didn't get them all. We found all kinds of critters making a home in the weeds. This is a catapillar they found. There was a live snake, and some snake skin. Bye for now

Monday, September 1, 2008

Flight 93

United Flight 93 the story of the last plane involved in the September 11th attacks. As we all know it was terrorist's who hijacked the plane. By the time, they hijacked the plane, two other planes had already hit the Twin Towers, and one had it the Pentagon

I watched the movie of it about a week ago, I bought it quite sometime ago. I had different feelings during the movie, I admit at times it was hard to remember this was real. Some of the actors I had seen in different movies. I could feel myself clenching my fists, hoping for a different outcome, but of course history has already been written. The plane crashed still.

During the moments when the people were calling their family to tell them goodbye was so sad... I just can't imagine the feeling of calling and telling people, we are going to die. I can't even begin to imagine how they felt. The family on the other end, probably felt so helpless because they couldn't do anything.

I don't understand why after the pilots were warned about the other planes, the opened the door to the cockpit. My best guess that they didn't get the time to comprehend what had happened. It probably all happened way so fast.

The passengers fought the terrorists and stopped the plane from hitting their likely target. That was really brave of them. But too bad they didn't kick their asses before the plane crashed. The whole 911 attacks just suck!! It's a very sad part of America's history, I know we have a lot of sad history but I would say this one tops it for my time. What makes things so much worse for me, is that my Daughter turned 10 years old on Sept 11 2001. It makes me very sad. :(

More soda

I got more soda!!! I love soda!! It's on sale, so I got a basement full. This way if all goes to hell, I got soda!!