Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tomorrow is the 7Th anniversary of the attacks on the world trade center, and the pentagon and the crash of flight 93. I can picture where I was the day, they showed it on our tv's. I was sharing a house, with my mother in law, and my first husband and my two boys. I was getting William ready for school, and Tyler was just a baby. It's still so fresh in my mind, but yet so unreal. How could that really happened. And how come I never seen the twin towers, or really recalled knowing that they were there. Then in the flash of a second planes wipe them out, taking lots of lives with them. 7 years has past by since then, but I don't think anyone has forgotten. Rest in peace 9/11 victims, and burn in hell terrorists people. And to all the families left behind, I am sorry that happened. To all the people who celebrate a birthday on 9/11, I hope you can find a way to take your birthday back.

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