Saturday, May 26, 2012

I had promised William that if he applied for 5 jobs before Friday morning that I would take him to see the Movie he wanted to see. It was called Cherynobal and it was crazy freaky. I might have spelled that wrong but oh well.  I love movies. I would go more often if I had more money.

Shortly before we were getting ready to leave my job called me asking me to come into work early. The best that I could offer was about two to two and half hours early cause I promised William if he did his job applying that I would take him.  I don't make promises if I don't plan on keeping them. I may not be the perfect Mom but I keep my word. I loved the movie but I find it sad that I never knew about the true story of this city cooking themselves with radiation.

I dropped William off near his friends house and I was getting ready to head to my clients house when I got the call that I was to meet them at the Y.  I just happened to leave my swimming suit in my locker so I was able to swim with my client.

It was a little weird taking a shower and undressing and dressing in front of her. I didn't make a big deal out of it though because it's usually the other way around. I thought it was cute that I could say I got paid to take my clothes off.  I swam laps with my client. I am very impressed at her ability in the pool. She thinks she is weaker and I think she is doing great. However, it was my first time personally being in the pool with her.

I just love my job. I have been to so many interesting places with my clients and gotten paid to explore life a little more.

Well, I better get to sleep. Tyler has to get picked up at 9 am tomorrow from school.

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