Saturday, November 7, 2009

My new client is starting to feel up to going out to dinner. Yesterday, we went to Lino's. It reminds me of the times I went with Bob and Sandy. Tonight, we went to the u club. Again, it reminded me of Bob and Sandy. I really miss them. They were like grandparents that I never had. I hear Sandy lost her mind and can never return home and Bob is so depressed and misses her.
I got to see ultrasounds pictures of Jennifer's little tiny baby girl. They look so real. I asked her if she has ever seen pictures from back in the day? Damn that makes me sound old.
The new milford Fire department is having it's annual pumkin smashing day. It's free and fire men are hot!!! I mean they do such a great job. It's a pretty good thing that my husband doesn't get jealous about my love for firemen.

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