Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jennifer said that I need to blog, but I don't have too much to say.
Let's see, I did pick on my poor dog. I bought them both a bone and shadow just sits by his and watches over it with his life. Except, for when he goes outside to pee. So, I hid it from him. Yep, I am picking fights with my dog. It was so funny! He was searching for it and I was laughing. Tad was hitting me, because I was being mean to him.
Tyler is starting to get a little better in math. That's a good thing. Thanksgiving is coming up! Who wants to get together for dinner? And who wants to be the turkey? I am broke, but I have been able to see my kids more. So, it's all good.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I almost killed my brother of a heart attack. I was giving him a ride home and the road curved and my van kept going forward. Damn. I need to get a refund! If my brother was a cat. I used up one of his lives. Meow!!!

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