Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am not taking peoples shit anymore. I have gotten into two situations where I am not laying down anymore. Fuck with my kids and I am not taking it. Fuck with a client of mine and I am not taking it either. I am sick of peoples lack of care. I don't care if you only make nine an hour and you don't feel that you are being paid your worth. It doesn't give you a right to snap at people and to move them roughly and then try to say your doing it the proper way. I am not putting up with it. I don't feel that I am paid my worth, but I am not cruel to my people. If they don't want to take care of people then get another fucking job. I don't care what you do. Just stay away from children, the disabled and the old people. Also stay away from my pets. I wouldn't trust these people to watch my dog. I am pissed!!!!! There is no excuse for the things that I have seen in the nursing home. It's fucking horrible. Bail me out if I attack someone.

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