Monday, August 9, 2010

Home improvement, teeth brushing, and kisses

I pay for this wonderful home warranty that has saved us a few times. The biggest things was the furnace and the AC. It's something that I suggest any home owner to get. However, it doesn't fix everything. I have been dealing with a broken kitchen facet for quite a while. Sometimes the handle would come off but it didn't leak. Then, it started to leak from the handle and it wasn't covered in the warranty. It didn't seem to bug Tad much but it drove me crazy because if we didn't empty the thing under the sink, it would leak.
Well, anyways, Tad fixed up my friend's computer and she suggested that her husband could fix our sink. He looked at it and said it would be best just to get a new facet. Then, it took me a week or so to afford to buy one. Also, I was having a hard time deciding on which one to get. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. How could I choose just one. I wanted to take a little bit from this one and a little bit from that. I just love home improvement projects. I just love my house.
It was tooth brushing time here and every time Tad helps Tyler brushes his teeth. He comes in here and gives me a earth shattering kiss. mmmmm good. He dared me to blog it. So, I did it.

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