Monday, May 30, 2011

my birthday!

Today, is my 35Th birthday! It also happened to be Memorial Day! My birthday doesn't always fall on Memorial day but that's okay with me. I am sure when I was a kid and didn't get my birthday off it used to bother me.
In the morning, we, meaning, Tad, Will and Tyler,  all hung out and watched Tad play around on learning stuff with the wii and connecting this and that and don't ask me. He woke up earlier than the rest of us and learned stuff. I dropped the kids off at this park for a Memorial Day picnic and then Tad and I did some yard work. I mostly just planted flowers around the mail box and in my flower garden.

My friend, Rachel, picked me up and we had a late lunch at this place called Alpine restaurant. It was pretty good but I lots of old people. lol

Jen and Amiah gave over and they gave me a cool card with a cow with big eyes and a garden turtle. I already put him in the flower bed and I think he looks way cool. I just hope he doesn't eat the flowers! Just kidding.

Tad made me a cake and I loved watching Amiah eat it. She got so messy! I know being a baby has it's downside because everyone tells you no and grown ups make them take naps but to be able to eat cake with your hands and get it all in your face might make being a baby pretty cool!

I heard from Ashley on my birthday too! It was sweet. After, so many years apart, just a Happpppppy Birthdaaaaayyy is very heart warming.  She wants to take Will, Tyler and me out to lunch sometime for my birthday. I told her we can do that after school lets out.

I wish I was able to post pictures of my flowers but I still need to get a camera. Hopefully, by the time they mature more, I will have one.

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