Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today, has been a bad day. I took Tyler to the Doctor for a test for allergies. He has severe allergies to dust mites and also allergies to feathers and cockroaches. Luckily, he isn't allergic to our pets so that is really good. The appointment took about three hours and now I feel all itchy and stuff. They think that his allergies are going to be all year long but more so in the winter. He didn't get anymore medication and that is very good. He is on enough. They say that the asthma and allergies kind of go together. One bugs the other one.

I just get kind of frustrated with being a Mom. It seems like my kids struggle all the time. William is failing out of high school and always has one reason or another why he isn't getting to school. You know the drill. I have a "stomach ache" or "I have a headache" or " I missed the bus"  I just want better for my kids and he is going down the wrong path in life. He is one smart kid.

Back to Tyler, he struggles in school too. It's a challenge to get him to do his homework. He has been doing better but always some kind of a hurdle to jump over. Why can't life just ever be simple?

I do feel very lucky in the relationship department. I am very happy with my husband. He has really matured a lot in the last couple years. I don't know if that is the right term to use but he has really changed. I guess I would have to say that he is more level headed. He still has a lot of the same views that would tick me off but he is better at communicating some of it and I think now he knows when to just shut up. 

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