Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's not about the money! Oh, yes it is!

I picked up a new client and that resulted in an extra hundred dollars last week and now it's only 6 extra hours so only fifty extra dollars coming in. They are not really extra cause Tad isn't working but it's more than my normal check. It was hard getting used to going to work on Tuesday but it's for our own good. 

Tonight, I learned that she is going into a home for the elderly. I can't give specific details but basically I am sure she won't be needing our services. I find this sad because if all possible the home is best. I just love where she lives. It's so peaceful and I just love going for walks there. It almost gives me a feeling of a campground but I can't quite put my finger on why I get that feeling. 

Besides, her going into a home and that being sad and she has to give up her pets, but it's a really bummer because I am probably going to lose the extra income and the chances of picking up more hours right away is very slim. I am really hoping she stays home long enough for me to work those hours closer to school starting because it's going to cost be a fortune to get Tyler ready for school this year. 

It's this feeling of facing a financial loss or gain over clients that weighs heavily on me. I hate that the first thing that pops in my head after learning of this upcoming change after shock is damn there goes that money. If makes me feel shallow. 

I been working for this same company for almost five years and you would think that I would be used to it by now. I have had some clients that I have gotten close to. Only one set that I was extremly close to. I have seen more clients for one or more shifts that I can even remember now. 

I would like to sing that cool song that says it's not about the money or the caching caching.  ya know money sounds but I don't live in a perfect world and money isn't growing off trees and I wasn't born to a rich family. Hmmm unless my parents didn't tell me something??? hahaha.

Well, it's 1 am and I should get comfy and think about sleeping.

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