Friday, July 16, 2010


I have been sitting on some exciting news. I didn't share this earlier for my own reasons but now I think is a really good time to announce that life has been treating me good.
I am sure everyone is aware that I had a child young and wasn't able to raise her because of lack of support from my parents. Well, anyways that baby girl grew into a beautiful young lady. She is the cutest girl ever. I have been in contact via Internet since Oct 19Th. It's been great getting to know her and see that she is an happy well adjusted kid.
I feel really confident that someday when she is ready we will meet. I want to meet her NOW. But I know she needs more time and I can live with that. I can give that too her. I still cringe when people ask me how many kids that I have. Do I say two? Or three? Or hell. do I say five? lol A few times I have said between my husband and I we have five kids, but it doesn't feel right. So, mostly I just say two. Because I really don't want to get into my whole life story lol
Well.. anyways... now you know my big secret. I am beginning to feel whole again. I would show you a picture of my girl but out of respect for her. I won't share that with blog land. However, trust me. She is beautiful and I love her.


douglas, gary c. said...

i think it's really cool how you two are speaking to each other after all these years. i believe that you two will someday meet and grow a stronger relationship together...more than just on the internet.

Jen said...

I'm really happy for you! Happy Cristy's are awesome Cristy's. :-)

mygrl said...

Thanks Gary and Jen! It's so amazing to be able to finally see what she looks like and it's weird how much she looks like me. I can't wait to meet her in person.