Saturday, July 24, 2010

When I was growing up, I would never be around my parents and caught saying ass, shit or fuck. Also, we didn't ask to say these words. It was just known that their was a time and a place and when Mom and Dad were around wasn't the time. Also, we didn't sit there and put in videos with fuck this and fuck that and you know what I mean. I know I grew up in a different time. No you tube and stuff.
My kids are so much more likely to say words that would have made me blush for days. lol and I suppose it's a good thing. You can't tell me didn't know how to talk to me.
Tonight, Will was showing me videos on the computer and you tube. I have zero patience letting things load. I can only take about a min of fuck this and fuck that around my kids. Am I wrong? I got mad and told him if he is going to sit there and listen to that crap to leave the room. A few minutes later I said that I was sorry but that I am not his friend. You can sit there and do that crap with your friends but I am your Mom. I personally think that him sitting around listening to that in front of me is close to the same as using that kind of language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's disrespectful!