Friday, July 9, 2010

Today, I got my first full unemployment check. It's almost dollar per dollar of what I brought home working three days a week. If anything it's more.
Also, last week, I had a ten hour overnight shift and I got paid for that. It's the first paycheck that I have gotten from my job in a month.. It was for about 80.00. I feel like being a smart ass and jumping up and down and say... yea!!!! We can eat now. haha
Well, gonna go load the dishwasher. Someone has to do it.


g. douglas said...

if you get hours at comfort keepers, you do know you have to report all the hours to unemployment while you certify....

mygrl said...

Yep. I am of aware of that. I reported the 10 hours of work and still got the full amount. Thanks for the heads up though.