Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Sunday, I picked William up for some pizza and cupcakes for his birthday. It was his 16TH birthday!!! We had a good time hanging out and Amiah was full of smiles as always. I gave William some movie money and we are going to see parnormal tonight. I thought maybe it would be a treat since the movies are priced out of this world. I don't think we will get popcorn, because the last time it tasted different and they said it's probably because of the change in the cooking oil. I know they are using healthier stuff but give me the greesy stuff. lol
So, movie tonight and then next week, I am taking Will to dinner with a couple of his friends. It kind of makes him get three special days for one birthday. I guess that's a good thing.

I can't believe Christmas is one month away. We are gonna have to get a tree up soon. Start playing some Christmas music and do some Christmas shopping.

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