Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday Tyler spent about two hours doing homework. On Thursday, I went to the school to have cream of turkey with him. I like to have lunch with him a few times a year. Sometimes, I bring McDonald's. Well, anyways, Tyler was given a break for detention, because I was coming for lunch.

How much homework is too much? He spends six hours at school and two hours of homework isn't all of it. He had forgot to do his social studies. When he suppose to be a kid and have a little fun?

I think sometimes teachers should just have no homework days. Especially when it's nice out and the kids could go play. Winter is coming and it won't be a lot of of going outside. It just frustrates me that school work takes up so much of our time in the afternoon and evening.


Jen said...

I'll keep my eyes out for a high chair as well, cuz it would make it alot easier to feed the gremlin! :-D

mygrl said...

Thanks I will do that too. I seen a couple used one at the place on 11th st but they had tears in them and I know it only get tore worse.