Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I had this feeling that one of my clients would pass away before summer ends. I hope I am wrong. But Sandy* has been doing more and more sleeping lately. I hope she snaps out of it. I want to be wrong. It's getting to be so boring at work, I am trying to make myself more comfortable by hanging out in my bedroom and reading when I know they are sleeping. Plus yesterday I took a walk for about 15 minutes to get fresh air. I seen a couple about 75ish riding bikes, it was cute. The man came flying down the hill, and here she comes riding the brakes. That would be me riding the brakes. I got to a new bike, Tad got it for me. I don't see me riding down any hills anytime soon. Well got to run.

* means names have been changed to protect my clients privacy, just in case this huge world gets smaller and someone reads this that knows them.

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