Monday, October 27, 2008

I am at school. I had to learn about the career services program at RVC, because I have to do a powerpoint presentation, and that is what I chose to do mine on. Why that one? Well because, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. We are past mid terms, and I am getting satisfactory grades. In a couple weeks, I will register for my second semester here. I guess I got to get to figuring life out. I just really want to be a Toy's R us kid!!!
My clients are doing well. Bob* has made a recovery. I am not saying he isn't tired. They both will tell you growing old isn't for sissy's. Just yesterday, I over heard him telling her. Remember how your son, Patrick* hated to talk to Sally* because all she talked about was bowel movements. He says well now, I understand. That is always a problem with us old people. lol I bet you just wanted to know if you get lucky enough to live to be old, your going to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Sandy* is doing well, except for her memory. Sometimes she forgets where we live, and other information. Or she will tell you stuff like, we made candy, and you know she didn't make candy. So you just go along with her, and hope when we get home, she doesn't ask for the candy. Well enough for now.
*'s mean fake names

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