Sunday, October 5, 2008

We has a pretty good weekend off from work. It's always nice to spend time with my guy. Okay almost always nice. Sometimes I need him to work so, I can watch lifetime. He keeps talking about finding another home for my new little kitty, but I don't want to. I know we are crazy with so many animals.
My clients are still getting worse. Bob* has of lately did quit falling down, but is having trouble breathing, and been throwing up. He goes to the doc, and they don't seem to do much for him. I guess it's part of the CHF that he has. I don't want him to die, but he is suffering so much. That sometimes I just wished he would. I hope not on my shift though. All of us caregivers say that though. I would rather him go in his sleep then at the hospital, and everyone would be yelling cold blue, and kicking everyone out. Hello!!!! Dudes the guy is 97 years old!! Can ya tell I have been with a client when they yelled cold blue? It's not a fun thing to go through.
Sandy* fell in the garage while I was gone. (that's what I was told over the phone) Ouch that had to hurt. She is probably okay. She is the strong one. She don't talk about dieing. It's not something you hear from her much.
Well I better get ready for work. bye all.
*fake names

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