Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The news in my life these last couple days are the following

  • Brownie the new bunny is a boy! Anyone want baby bunnies??
  • There is rumors that the poop factory is trying to buy houses up in my area. I love my house. Will stand in front of the wrecking ball.
  • I turned in my first paper for school today. We had to give our paper to another student and they correct our grammar, misspelled words, and comma stuff. She only found two mistakes. So either I kept my skills or she is a idiot too!! lol
  • The tempo known as the pizza mobile transmission died today
  • I still don't have a big fish tank. Need big one so no one carries it off.
  • Sandy (my client) turned 98 yesterday, she says she is aiming for 99

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You stand in front of the wrecking ball and not only will Tyler and I have the money from the house but we will get a shitload more from the company that smacks you! Go for it girl! lol