Monday, June 7, 2010

Today, was the official start of summer vacation for Tyler. My plan is to educate him at home with the help of and along with some books that the school district sent home. Also, of course the use of computers and the library. I had him do a math test and he didn't score too well, but better than I would have expected. I think some of it is that he doesn't take the time to read the questions. I am excited for this chance to put his education in my hands and screw the schools teaching him. I don't care what they say. If a child doesn't have basic skills they can't go into more difficult math. I know how to read and write but me into school to learn how to do brain surgery and no matter how much help, I get. I am going to fail. Anyone want to let me practice on them?
After, we played the wii for a while, we got ready to go to the Ymca. I love Tyler's age. He is ten now and that is old enough to be dropped off at the Y, but I am not ready for that. However, it's nice that he can swim, play, and use a computer without me being with him at all times. Don't get me wrong. I love to hang with him, but I am trying to keep up my two hours of walking, three times a week at the Y. So, its cool that he can hang out and have fun too. My friend Rachel met me and we walked. I really miss the hot tub and wish I could switch to peak sportscore for the hot tub, but I like having a friend who has a membership too. I don't have to have someone with me to workout but it's nice having her there sometimes.

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