Monday, June 28, 2010

Today, was the three year mark of when we bought our house. It's an awesome feeling to own a piece of property that belongs to us. I would suggest home ownership to anyone who wants the stability of not moving around but don't let anyone tell you that it's cheaper than renting, because it is not.
Tonight was week two of ten weeks with Meld. I love babysitting the kids and I do it for free. The satisfaction that I get from helping the Mom's use this program was enough for me. This week, there was six kids. All but one was under two. The youngest was a boy who was only seven months old. So, there was three boys and three girls.. the brady bunch came to mind. lol I brought Tyler with me and he was really helpful. He actually held the biter girl for about ten minutes or so and read to her. I have never worked for a daycare and I have to give the workers so much credit. Taking care of one kid or two is so easy. However, taking care of six kids even with an helper is a lot of work. The brady bunch!!!

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