Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey all... How is everyone? I am good. Today, my friend Rachel stopped by for a little while and we hung out. Amiah was fun as ever. I let her play with one of my dolls and I don't let just anyone play with them. It was cute. She had her hand on his head and the other on his hand. It looked sweet until she went to bite him. lol

Tonight, Tyler and I made a pencil holder for one of his friends. We used a can of corn. It came out pretty nice. The school is doing a Christmas party and the kids are suppose to dress up for it.They said no jeans. We don't agree with that because basically they are telling us to buy clothes because we don't have any dress clothes for him.

I went to the YMCA tonight. I am kind of mad at them. I talked to someone about maybe buying someone a gift membership for a month and basically making the person giving the gift pay 1/2 of the joiner fee. It's makes it to be too much money and how do we know that the person receiving the gift could or would continue to have an membership. It seems like offering the month gift membership would be enough. It would probably be almost giving away free money. Because if the person isn't in a routine of going to the gym they might not use it as much as someone who has taken months to get my routine down. First, they take away my hot tub and just build a wall to tease me with and then they be jerks about the gift membership.

I have done some of my Christmas shopping. We haven't put up a tree yet. I might work on at least getting it set up tomorrow. Then, try to find time to get William over to decorate it.

My Mom donated 20 towards MELD. So, I will be matching it. That brings my total to spend for the children to 145.00. I plan on getting the gifts to them by Tuesday at the latest. I haven't started yet. Check back in a week or so for pictures of the gifts. I wish I could share of the children but not allowed to take pictures of them. I have a few favorites! Girls!!!!


Sanne Kercher said...

Your blog is really cute and innocent!
I really like it.
Awesome job =)

Jen said...

She loves to eat things, watch out! lol