Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This was my first week of not having to work the ten hour overnight on Sunday night. I really hated it. Well, it was kind of nice because I would bring dvd's and the little computer to keep myself awake. So, in some ways, it was like free money. However, getting up on Sunday at 9 am to babysit at the church and not getting to bed till 8 or 9 am on Monday was just too hard on me. It would take me until late Tuesday just to feel normal again.

I love watching Amiah. She is fun to have around and is a pretty good baby. She does cry when you tell her no. It was funny today, I pulled her chair up to the table, without the tray, and she tried to lick the table and I said no, don't do that and she cried. Girls, have that high pitched cry and I can hear her in a year or two screaming for a toy. Or maybe, she will be so spoiled she won't need to scream. She will just give you the look and people will buy.

When I feed her baby food, I play like the spoon is an airplane and I make airplane noises and sometimes it runs out of gas and just barely lands in her mouth. She does really good at following the spoon.

So, I only work three nights a week now. I hope it will give me some of that feeling back of actually liking my job. On Sunday nights, I felt like I babysat the tv and I am hoping because I am only going to be with my client three nights a week that I will get less bored with her. I figure by the time, I get so tired of the endless repeating of stuff. (memory loss) that my week will be over.

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