Sunday, November 23, 2008

About a year and half ago, I started working for Bob and Sandy. They were 96 years of age. They now are 97. Sandy will be 98 in Febuary, and Bob will be 98 in June. I didn't expect such a long run with them. They are like that engizer bunny that keeps going and going and going. They are strong. They may think that they are lucky that they have me, but the joke is on them. I am the lucky one. A job doesn't get much better than this. Well it's time for me to go to sleep now. Bye all.


Anonymous said...

They are flat lucky to have you. Without you they may have not been here today. Did you think of that?

Jen said...

I love your bunny! it's the most adorablest bunny I've ever seen. I held it but no bunny kisses... :-D it's a sweet heart... I thought it would have jumped out of my hands but it just hangs out. I love it!

mygrl said...

You should have gave her a kiss. My bunny wants to go buy a toy with your money!! :)
You wouldn't deprive a poor bunny, would you?