Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This is a picture of my new bunny. Not a very good picture though. Vote for her name.
Looks like the selling the parent vote was about 2 cents lol. Now I am afraid. What are some of the fast ones that you pulled with your parents. It's time to confess. I skipped most of the 7th grade year, and when the machine would call. I would just get the phone first, that's if my parents were home. I did the same thing in 8th grade, and no one knew or bothered to do anything until I was taken to court. I was busted!!!! Now tell me your secrets and vote for a bunny name.


Anne said...
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Anonymous said...

What about naming her something like Oreo? Or Blanca or Bianca? Just thought I'd throw in some other suggestions =).

Anonymous said...

I noticed the pole is closed. What did you name it?