Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I got to love technology

I found some floppy disc and my little sister was the first person that I could hunt down that old computer. I was thrilled to get some of these lost pictures back. A thanks to technology and a bigger thanks to Michelle. Thank you very much.
Tyler and I went the Ymca for some swimming. We were given wrong information and open swim didn't start for another hour. So we skipped swimming. He played and I sat in the hot tub. I suppose I should have walked some, but I was already in my swimming suit. There was quite a few people in the hot tub and one girl was pretty large. Most people don't treat large people very nice. They say things like how do they find it? Or just wow if I get that big shoot me. Okay if I do get to about 400 lbs please do shoot me. However, big people shouldn't be treated mean. Or should I make fun of the girl who was so thin that I seen her ribs.

My most important thing I want to say tonight and it kind of fits with the pictures. Crusader Clinic is a non for profit clinic and they are having a fund raiser to give new moms baby items. They are looking for simple items like bibs, tshirts, bottles, baby clothes, diapers, baby soap, lotion. I could go on and on, but I am sure you get the idea. They are taking the donations at the Ymca until March 31st. The plans are that every new Mom gets a baby care package when they come in for the first visit.The items need to be new. I think it's a wonderful idea. Baby items really don't cost too much money, but it really does add up. So I plan on spending a few dollars to donate. If everyone who has a few bucks to spare gives then it might make the difference between Mommies and babies staying together. If anyone wants to bring stuff to me I will make sure the Ymca gets it.
If you have used baby items to donate I believe Children's home and aid Society of Illinois could use gently used items.

For those who don't know the baby picture are Tyler and the student is William. Kids grow too fast.

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