Friday, January 9, 2009


Tonight Tyler and I went to the Ymca for swiming. We had a good time. There wasn't hardly anyone swimming which isn't either bad or good. The lifegaurd, a young guy, was only watching after three people. So he started to throw a ball at Tyler, and he would throw it back at him. This went on for about 20 minutes or so. It was kind of nice, because Tyler was interacting with someone other than his parents. Also if gave me some space. Tyler tends to hang on me, and I mean really hang on me. He doesn't do it of of fear, but for fun. I am his motor boat lol. As the lifegaurd is playing, he is also talking to the other guy in the pool. It's a intructor for the swimming lessons at the Y. He was telling him how he could get in trouble for playing with Tyler, that they want him to sit and not talk to anyone. I was planning on telling the Ymca what a good job he did by playing with Tyler. Then I hear he is breaking the rules. I can understand with a pool full of people that he should be more focused on watching people swim, but there was only three of us. He was playing with the person at the biggest risk. What happened to people being able to use their judgement? Why can't he use his judgement and decide when it's safe to go beyond of just watching the swimmers. Why can't he talk or play with a child or two if he feels it's safe. It because some big idiot decides they want to make rules and you people who are below will listen to me or what. People aren't being allowed to use their own judgement, and the people making all the rules wonder why everyone loses their brain. If you don't use it, you lose it. So what this big shots are doing is making a bunch of dummies. It's simliar to in my job, that is taking care of the elderly, I am not allowed to put on a simple band-aid, or apply a medicated cream. If a client has a headache, I can't decide they need tylenol. I have to twiddle my thumbs and say I am not allowed to do that. I can't think for myself. Why when you go to a restaurant are they told to say a specific thing instead of allowing the waitress to have a personality. I think if these hot shots want robots, then they should hire robots.
I haven't been to the Ymca for my hot tub in over a week. I have been trying to workout on my equipment in the basement. I managed to have a take of gas last me almost two weeks. My last fill-up before today was Monday before New years. So I am long overdue for a soaking in the hot tub. Sorry if your jealous!!! hahahahaha don't ya love me.

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