Saturday, February 6, 2010

adoption or should I say no adoptions here

I don't talk about adoption much on here, because I think it might make my Mom feel weird,because she knows I blame her. But anyways that's not my point. Actually I am so excited. I am tired of sitting around and wishing my life would have been different. What is done is done and I can't change it.
However, I decided I want to do something. I really want to get involved in making a difference in young peoples life. So I made a call to organization that is supporting young parents. I am expecting a call back, but from the sound of the first person they really need some help. So, I think soon, I will be babysitting for them. What I understood is that they need people to babysit while the Mom's and Dad's attend classes. I am so excited. Not only in a small way to I get to help people, but I get to spend time with little kids. Yipee. I can't wait to learn more about them and get started. Also, I can bring Tyler and he can help.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think that's a great idea! Lemme know how it goes!