Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am so proud of my home. However, sometimes it's expensive to keep everything going. We have been dealing with a leaky pipe and it was driving me nuts. We have home warranty on our house that fixes quite a bit of stuff, but it does costs us each time we have a service call. So, finally, today, I called and just gonna spend the money. I have a plumber working on it right now. He went to go get a pipe. It's for reasons like this that I want better for my kids. I know I have a home and we are not starving and there is people much worse off, but I don't want my kids to sweat over 60 dollars or sweat over feeling guilty if they miss a school event, because they have to go work. Or taking the time off, but not really being able to afford it, but do it anyway. I just want better for them.

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