Friday, February 19, 2010

Rachel and I went to a restaurant to get something to eat. We sit and talk for hours. I really enjoy her company. I am glad that she accepts me for who I am. After, we ate, she wanted some desert. So, she gets slice of pie and I got a slice of cake. She looked at me and said is this suppose to be here? I looked at it and I think it was mold. ewwwwww and then we call the waitress over to look and I start laughing. It was so funny. It felt good to laugh. We didn't end up having to pay for the cake or the pie. My cake was kind of stale. This place isn't at all on my list of favorite places to go. So, from now on, they can ask their customers, "would you like a little green stuff with that?"
Tomorrow, we are going to Atwood for some outside stuff. It should be fun. It will be better than sitting at home. As soon as it's warm out, I wanna go to the zoo!!!! Tigers, bears, lions or my!! Don't forget the zebras, monkeys, and elephants. My favorites are the cats and the bears. I just wanna hug them.
Last summer towards the end, we dd a lot of little trips and I would like to try to do that again, but not wait till the end. I just want to go and go and not think. I want to kill my mind. See beautiful and interesting things. Spend time with my husband and my family and just enjoy life.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love going to the zoo!!! I love seeing the tigers and monkeys and giraffes. I wanna go to brookfield zoo this summer. I didnt do much over the summer last year but this year I wanna take amiah places and actually get outside! :-)