Monday, February 15, 2010

I only cried for about 2 hours today so I am doing a little better. I drank last night to shut my mind off. I am so lucky the hard shit is so nasty that I can't drink too much of it. I hope I can sleep tonight.
Today, Tad gave me a pretty pink rose and a sweet card. I was so depressed that I didn't even have a clue that it was Valentine's day. I been really mean to him so it was nice that he did that.
I worked my last shift at the nursing home. I just wasn't comfortable and I hated waiting all the way till 10 pm to go to work. I could deal with a 10 pm shift if it was a longer shift. But it just sucked to be tired the next day over two hours. I am off for the next week and probably half into next week. My clients went to Florida. I am actually looking forward to the time off. It's my way with dealing with being flat broke.

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