Monday, February 22, 2010

A chance to make a difference

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with someone at Meld to talk about giving up some of my free time to help the program. I am really excited. I want to feel like I made a difference in someone's life. Meld offers all kinds of support for young Mom's, Dad's and their children. It gives them the support to have a start in life and I really think I like what they are about. Most likely, I will be babysitting on Monday night while the parents on in an class. I love it that it seems to be so much more than a handout. Often times, young people don't have the life skills to make it on their own and much less with a baby, but with some education they can get the start that they need. I hope I can use the experience as a learning tool with my sons. Maybe, I am even being greedy, but I hope it's something that can assist me with my loss of my daughter. I can never be her Mom, but just maybe I can help someone be a Mom. I can prevent an adoption from happening when all they need is a little support. Sadly, a lot of girls are turned away, because there is a big need for this kind of program.
P.S. If you click on the header of this post you can go to Meld's website.

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