Monday, April 6, 2009

We bought a couple gold fish. We have been told that gold fish can't live in a heated tank, but we are going to try anyways. I figure since they are feeder fish it's okay to try. If they live in my tank then I saved them from being food. One of them is kind of big. I love big. Big dog. Big fish. Big Bunny. The big bunny don't even like me very much. If I get too close to his cage or his bud he does. ggrrrrrr Damn he is cute though.
I skipped school today. I just didn't feel like going. Sometimes I have so little energy. I am tired of going to work three days and school three days. So I just skipped. I am riding this semester out and then calling it quits. I can't work full time and go to school. I just don't have it in me. I have too many things on my mind. School isn't really one of them.


Anonymous said...

Please delete my pictures of me from your blog. I would really appreciate it'

mygrl said...

I removed all your pictures.I am not quite sure why you needed your pictures off here, but there gone.